国际海运 (FCL & LCL) 国际空运 (POL:HKG,SZN & CAN)
国内拖车 (Bulk Truck included)
配送服务 (Consolidation Services) 代理报关 (Customs Broker)
代理出口 (Export Broker)代理进口 (Import Broker)
代理保险 (Insurance Broker) 代理定舱 (Agents for shipping order) 中港拖车 (Sino-Hongkong Bulk Truck included)
内贸运输 (Internal Trading Container Transportation)
转厂运输 (Transit Factory Transportation)
仓储保管 (Warehousing & Deposition)
保税服务 (Bonded Warehousing Services) 分拨服务 (Distribution Services)
代领提单 (Agents for Bill of Lading) 代理单证 (Agents for Documentation) 承办海运,空运进出口货物的国际运输代理业务,包括:揽货,订舱,转运集装箱拼装拆箱,签发提单,报关,报验,保险,结算运杂费,国际多式联运,仓储,短途运输服务及相关咨询业务
国内拖车 (Bulk Truck included)
配送服务 (Consolidation Services) 代理报关 (Customs Broker)
代理出口 (Export Broker)代理进口 (Import Broker)
代理保险 (Insurance Broker) 代理定舱 (Agents for shipping order) 中港拖车 (Sino-Hongkong Bulk Truck included)
内贸运输 (Internal Trading Container Transportation)
转厂运输 (Transit Factory Transportation)
仓储保管 (Warehousing & Deposition)
保税服务 (Bonded Warehousing Services) 分拨服务 (Distribution Services)
代领提单 (Agents for Bill of Lading) 代理单证 (Agents for Documentation) 承办海运,空运进出口货物的国际运输代理业务,包括:揽货,订舱,转运集装箱拼装拆箱,签发提单,报关,报验,保险,结算运杂费,国际多式联运,仓储,短途运输服务及相关咨询业务
2011/3/11 13:09发布:admin | 分类:物流代理 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:
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