※ 如需打包、拆装(家具、空调),请在预约时说明,佳合提供上门服务(费用另收)。
※ 本公司还出租搬场专用纸箱,免费提供塑料周转箱(放置零星物品)。Sea & Air
A recommended solution for shipments which do not require air transport speed yet transit times via sea freight transport may be too long, Transit times are thus improved while reducing pure air freight costs (from 30% to 50%) to an otherwise unaware clientele.
※ 如需打包、拆装(家具、空调),请在预约时说明,佳合提供上门服务(费用另收)。
※ 本公司还出租搬场专用纸箱,免费提供塑料周转箱(放置零星物品)。Sea & Air
A recommended solution for shipments which do not require air transport speed yet transit times via sea freight transport may be too long, Transit times are thus improved while reducing pure air freight costs (from 30% to 50%) to an otherwise unaware clientele.
2013/11/29 11:13发布:admin | 分类:货代公司 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:
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