Whether its a less than container load (LCL) shipment or a full container load (FCL) or personal effects, our freight specialists knows the business and understand the critical matters that are part of its daily operations. Together, our team puts your cargo where you need it, when you need it, at very competitive rates.

Saint Praise comprehensive services include door-to-door service, customs brokerage, full documentation, imports and exports, warehousing, consolidation, inland distribution and pick-up and deliveries. Saint Praise is fully certified in handling dangerous goods and hazardous materials as well as capable of project cargo, oversize shipment and other specialized handling including perishable materials at all its China Gateways. 提供以深圳、香港、广州三大机场到世界各地空运之服务,并跟多家国际航空公司签有包板协议.可提供代客户装箱、拆箱、贴唛等全程化物流服务.本公司在欧洲,美加,非洲,大洋洲,中东,东南亚等各大海空港城市都有稳定的代理网,能在全球范围内提供服务.专业的团队可以为客户提供综合性的物流设计方案.

@ 提供空、海、陆多式联运服务.

@ 提供进出口清关、转关、商检、卫检、动植物检、报验手续、机场、地面操作..

@ 空运和陆运监管运输服务.

@ 提供鲜活、挂装、特种及保税货物运输服务.

@ 提供相关的货物包装、仓储、分拨服务.

@ 代理空运运输保险业务.

@ 提供空运货物的实时信息跟踪及反馈服务.
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