reliability and strength, we have established long-term partnership with many shipping companies, while been dedicated in supplying high quality shipping lines and service to importers and exporters., so as to reach a win-win cooperative pattern with both ship-owners and clients. Rooted in eastern Guangdong area, and reaching the rest of China and worldwide, we have become one of the most trustworthy carriers for import and export.

Our company occupies an extensive business network domestically. We have subsidiary offices in locations such as HongKong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai,Zhonshan Shantou, Jieyang, Chaozhou, Chenghai, Dongguan, Shanghai and Nanning. As a national and international transportation enterprise, we have established steady business relationships with many shipping companies in China. Oversea networks include the USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Our motto says it all: “Prosperity Everywhere, Fulin Everywhere.”
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