
Sea Freight
Sea freight or shipping via container ship is by far the cheapest way to move goods internationally but also the slowest. However, if you’re moving goods between continents, you normally have little choice but to send them via container ship.


For Imports to the UK KTL will make sure that on arrival UK customs clearance and trucking to door is completed swiftly and will monitor the shipment closely.

No matter if you use sea freight or air freight, we can arrange the full package shipping from the Singapore including handling payment of Duty and Taxes to UK Customs.


创立于2008年。公司集仓储保管、货物运输、包装配送为一体,地处北京首都国际机场附近,名下拥有货运车辆300余辆,仓库面积60万平方米。 公司通过ISO9000质量体系认证,交通运输企业安全生产标准化建设等级资质证明,是当地运输企业之一。 多年来,与世界知名的各大企业建立的深厚的合作关系,其中包括中外运、DHL、中央电视台、天津三星、宝马、顺丰、京东等我们是谁
Aramex 已迅速成长为一个全球品牌,以其定制服务和创新产品而闻名。Aramex 在迪拜金融市场 (DFM) 上市,总部位于阿联酋,位于东西方交汇处的中心地带,这使我们能够有效地在世界任何地方提供定制的物流解决方案,并在区域和全球范围内覆盖更多的企业和消费者。...


past time for the average Australian is to have a social gathering around the “Barbie” (barbeque) in their backyard or on the beach and with more than 80% of Australians living no more 50km away from the coast this life style has become an integral part of the laid back life style which attracts so many tourists and foreign inhabitants each year.


Full range of foreign trade services

If you have business with China and you have new partners in China then for your convenience and cost-efficiency we provide following services:

-Cooperate purchasing samples from factories and delivery;
-Providing assistance in signing foreign trade contracts;





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