国家一级货运代理资质和交通部批准的无船承运人证书,是以传统海运进出口货运代理业务为基础的综合性国际货运代理企业。公司建设以长江三角洲区域港口群为依托,向全国沿海各口岸辐射的国内网络,以及遍布世界主要港口的国际网络。公司为国内外客户提供海、陆、空储运业务、进出口报关、报检、订仓、国际多式联运及相关业务咨询等服务。公司及下属两个口岸公司年处理货柜量超过30,000TEU。在传统海运领域,我们将继续不懈努力,为客户提供安全、可靠、高效的物流服务。Truck Tracking Services
ASB Logistics Co.,ltd have contracts with 10 truck companies to provide support to our clients. We can arrange the trucking service to our clients according to their specific requirements at any time.
ASB Logistics Co.,ltd have contracts with 10 truck companies to provide support to our clients. We can arrange the trucking service to our clients according to their specific requirements at any time.